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Super Bread Box : Play
201412 bread boxes collected worldwide


So you want to play the game, huh?

The digital version is primarily for use with emulators, but can also be run on a real C64 via hardware such as the 1541 Ultimate II. For emulator users, we recommend VICE, as it works on a variety of operating systems and is very user friendly. In fact, we've even included a pre-configured 32-Bit Windows copy with the download together with some simple user instructions (we're nice like that).

If you choose to buy the cartridge you'll receive a package in the mail containing:

Super Bread Box has been tested on both PAL and NTSC machines, and works on the C64, C128 and C64GS.

Although the game runs on NTSC hardware, it does suffer from the occasional slowdown due to NTSC machines having less CPU time per screen refresh. As such, Super Bread Box is labelled as NTSC compatible, but designed for PAL systems.

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